Projects & Researches

Due to my computer science skills and excellent mathematics backbone, I was involved in researches in the variety of fields: Dynamic Traffic Assignment, Simulation, User Behavior Modeling, Fuzzy sets and systems, Image processing  and Fluid Mechanics modeling. These are the selected projects I have done in recent years:


In this research, my master dissertation, a Simulation-Based Dynamic Traffic Assignment model based on parallel Processing is proposed. This research is combination of my last two researches for this project: Type-2 fuzzy system as the Route choice model and CATSIMS as the Dynamic network loading model. The final outcome of this project is ParaCATS, novel parallel software, which can perform a simulation-based dynamic traffic assignment in large area of a city in micro-scale


Traffic simulation models have proven to be suitable tools for the evaluation of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). The applicability of traffic simulation strongly depends on computing performance. The result of this project is an high performance Cellular Automata micro simulator. I developed this software in C++, as an object oriented program. In order to achieve the required computational performance, advance programing techniques such as parallel processing and advance memory management is implemented.


In this project we proposed a new model based on Type-2 fuzzy logic to model route choice problem. This model can take account of the imprecision, uncertainties and vagueness lying in the dynamic choice process and makes more accurate modeling of drivers’ behavior. In our proposed model we consider different factors seperatly. The results show that the proposed model is more reliable and more accurate in modeling real drivers’ behavior and could handle the uncertainties more efficient.


Image processing has a key role in ITS system and Transportation Infrastructure management. On the other hand, system modeling is an essential step in decision-making process in order to explain, predict and control a system. In this project, I developed and optimized an existing Type-2 Fuzzy image processing code in MATLAB. The code was 6 times faster than the original version. Moreover, I generalized the code and it is applicable in different fields especially in transportation systems. In addition, I designed a GUI in Microsoft Visual Studio for this code. This software can be used for traffic image processing, railway and pavement monitoring system.


In this project, a Simulation method was used to estimate effects of 2 traffic infrastructue on the traffic flow of a Highway in Tehran with experimental design method.So I was asked to review the simulation part of the project and solve some problems.

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