Amir Zarinbal Masouleh
Date of birth: September 3, 1985

Address: Unit 3, No. 16, East Arak St.,
 Sepahbod Gharani Ave.
 Tehran, Tehran 1583676114

Cell phone no:  +98-(21)-88315770




Master of Science in Transportation Engineering: (Sep 2007-June 2010)
  • Department of Civil Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
  • Earned a mark of Distinction (First) for the master’s dissertation.
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (Sep 2003-June 2007)
  • Department of Civil Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
  • Top 10% of Civil Engineering Students, 2007
Diploma in Mathematics and Physics (Sep 1999-June 2003)
  • Alavi High School, Tehran, Iran.
  • Earned a mark of Distinction (First)
Academic Accomplishments
  • Honored as “Distinguished Student” in University of Tehran, 2007.
  • Winner of Innovation and Technology award in 7th International Conference of Iran Water Supply Systems, 2006.
  • Ranked as 541th among almost 500,000 participants in National B.Sc. Entrance Exam known as “KONKOORE-ASARASARI”, 2003.
  • University's Full Scholarship In B.Sc. (Civil Engineering) and M.Sc. (Transportation Engineering)
  • Y. Shafahi, A. Zarinbal, M. Zarinbal. (2010).“Type-2 fuzzy route choice modeling”, IEEE Fuzzy Information Processing Society (NAFIPS), Annual Meeting of the North American, 12-14 July, Toronto, Canada
  • M.H. Fazel Zarandi, M. Zarinbal, A. Zarinbal. (2010) “Using Type-2 Fuzzy Function for Image Processing Approaches”,IEEEWorld Congress on Computational Intelligence.
  • A. Zarinbal, M. Zarinbal. (2008). “A Simulation Approach to Predict and Manage an Inventory System, A Case Study in Iran Khodro Factory”, Ravesh Journal of Industrial Engineering
  • Some other publications in Persian.
For more information about my recent projects & researches click here
Academic experience
  1. Research:
    1. Parallel Implementation of Simulation–Based Dynamic Traffic Assignment, Research Assistant to Dr. Y. Shafahi, Sharif University of Technology. (Nov 2008- June 2010)
    2. Optimization and Development of Image Processing software. Research Assistant to Dr. Fazel Zarandi, Amir Kabir University of Technology (Feb 2008 – Nov 2008).
For more information about my recent projects & researches click here 
  • Teaching:
    1. Teacher Assistance of some B.Sc. and M.Sc. courses, including:
      • Advanced Simulation (2009-2010)
      • Advanced Traffic Engineering (2008) 
      • Fluid Mechanics (2007)
      • Numerical Analysis (2005-2006)
      • Computer Programming (2004-2006)
    2. Teaching “High Performance Computing Techniques and Applications in Civil Engineering” - HPC Lab, University Tehran (2010)
    3.  “Algorithms and Computer Programming” to High school student at National Organization for Development of Exceptional Talents (2009)
  • Other:
    1.  Leader of High Performance Computing Lab at Department of Civil Engineering at Sharif University of Technology. (Sep 2009- June 2010.)
Professional experience
  1. Consultant of Traffic Simulation at Rahashahr Company (2010)
  2. Installation of a Traffic Surveillance System and Installation of management computer site, Kar & Andishe Company (2008)
  3. Internship in “Mahab Ghodss” Consulting Engineering Company (Summer-2007): Internship in one of the best and largest consulting engineering company in Iran.
Computer skills
  1.  Professional Software:
    • Simulation:
      • Proficient in: AIMSUN, TRANSIMS, MITSIMLab, UrbanSIM, MATLAB-Simulink
      • Familiar with PARAMICS, Arena
    • Transportation: EMME/2, SPSS, HCM, GAMS, SYNCRO
    • CAD & GIS: AutoCAD, ArcGIS systems
  2. Programming Languages:
    • Proficient in C++, Fortran, Visual Basic, Java, MATLAB
    • Familiar with C#, Python, Visual Basic for Applications
  3. Parallel Processing:
    • Proficient in MPI, OpenMP, Intel Parallel Studio, Nvidia CUDA
  4. Database:
    • Proficient inT-SQL Language,Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Microsoft Access
  5. Web:
    • Proficient in ASP.NET, PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, TCP/IP programming
  6. Server & Networks:
    • Proficient in Windows Server, Linux Server, Visual Studio Team Foundation Server,Active Directory, IIS and FTP servers, Wireless (802.11) Networks
  7. Operating system:
    • Proficient in: Windows, Linux (UBUNTU, OpenSUSE, Fedora)
  8. General:
    • Proficient in: Microsoft Office, Microsoft Project, Open Office, Adobe Flash, Adobe PhotoShop
  9. Other:
    • Proficient in Traffic Surveillance systems, Image Processing
    • Proficient in Microcontrollers, PLC, Assembly, Robotics
    • Proficient in OpenGL API, CATIA, Solidworks for 3D modeling
For more information about my programming skill & resume click here.
Language Proficiency
  • English: Fluent
  • Persian: Native
  • Arabic: Familiar
Master Cources
Advanced Traffic Engineering, Advanced Simulation, Operation Research in Transportation, Transportation Planning, Transportation Demand, Transportation System, Airport Plan Design, Railway Engineering
Fields of interest
  • Dynamic Traffic Assignment
  • Simulation of Transportation Systems
  • Traffic Flow Modeling and simulation
  • Advanced Computer Techniques
  • User Behavior Models
  • Intelligent Transportation System
  • Image Processing
  • Fuzzy Sets And Systems
  • Activity Based Models
  • Sport:
    1. Tennis: As a personal hubby, playing weekly with friends
    2. Swimming: Pursuing as a professional field. (Grade A Certificate in lifeguarding)
    3. Soccer: As a personal hobby, playing weekly with friends
  • Travelling:
    • I have travelled to many countries such as Spain, Portugal. I love travelling around the world and see how beautiful are they and how their people live. (I have put some pictures from these trips in my Photo Gallery)
  • Photography:
    • As a personal hubby, Taking photo from people, nature, animals, transportation systems, et al. (Photo Gallery)
  • Reading Novels
Extracurricular Activities:
  • Foundation and Leadership of an student NGO
    • 2006-2007 Foundation of student group called Aeene for helping senior studentsat College of Engineering, University of Tehran
  • Leadership of Student Library
    • 2005-2006 College of Engineering, University of Tehran


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